Promoting reined cow horse equine sports in Northern California.

The Northern California Reined Cow Horse Association (NCRCHA) is a non-profit organization founded in 2000 in Red Bluff, California.

Our mission is to help promote the reined cow horse equine sport by providing members a place to show horses in herd work, reined work, fence work & boxing classes along with participating in educational seminars & riding clinics the association provides.

The NCRCHA encourages membership participation & fun. If you haven’t shown with us, check out what we have to offer in the range of classes & awards — everything from pros to beginners at an affordable price and with fun!

President's Note

“This can’t be the same 95 degrees I used to run around outside in as a child.” – How many of us have said that?

Summer is here!  The days are longer, and temperatures are rising and show season is in full swing.  Our favorite time of year.  Our June show was a huge success.  We had great cattle and footing. More importantly, we had a team of individuals that worked and volunteered at the show who created an environment that was welcoming, efficient and professional. 

Congratulations to our Ranch Horse Spectacular winners:

  • Danielle Hedglin – Open
  • Nancy Darden – Amateur
  • Anthony Lee – Youth

These individuals are tough competitors and did an amazing job in the show pen. 

Our August Show is coming together and hopefully – Mother Nature will be kind to us and not make the weather extreme.  We have added a class to showcase our working cowboys and cowgirls. The Ranchers Class has a sponsored $1000 added. The event will begin at 6:00pm on Saturday night.  Plan to come out and cheer on your favorite horse and rider team!  The rules can be found on the website HERE

You asked us to make some changes to our schedule and we listened.  We have moved the practice herd work to Friday night.  They will begin at 6:00pm in the small indoor and continue until we are done.  That side of the facility will be cooler in the evening and is well lit.  This allows us to start Saturday morning with our competitive herd work at 7:30am with fresh cattle and well-rested horses. 

Hope to see everyone in August!


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